Stop These Sexual Acts In 2024

Sexual immorality has caused a lot of damage in the lives of so many people (particularly young people), and we can’t keep watching young folks suffering and living a wretched lifestyle as they ignorantly give room to the devil to get them ruined.

Indeed, society will continue to be an unpleasant one if we keep going contrary to the will of God and embracing immorality. Immorality (like other types of sin) empowers the kingdom of darkness to wreak havoc in our society. So, if people fail to go back to God in repentance, then you can expect more headaches in the society

The Will of God for sex is that all forms of sexual pleasure should be shared only between a married husband and his female wife inside the safe confines of their marriage institution, with no other party involved.

Anyone who will obey God’s instructions will embrace a life that is devoid of the fatal pangs and pains associated with sexual immorality.

If you will obey God’s loving commandments as regards the enjoyment of sexual pleasures (which is actually for your own safety and good), then you must stop these sexual acts and not carry them with you to this new year:

  1. Premarital Sex: Also known as fornication, is having sex when you are not married. Sex is meant for married couples (a male and a female) alone. Even if fornication is the norm out there, don’t follow the crowd. Yes, it is possible to tame your sexual urges. Don’t indulge in premarital sex, and you won’t have to experience the numerous negative consequences attached to it.
  2. Extramarital Sex: Adultery is simply about having sex with someone other than your own spouse. As a married person, ensure you are contented with your husband or wife, and don’t have an extramarital affair. The repercussions of adultery are usually deadly.
  3. Homosexuality: This is sexual relations between members of the same gender, like lesbianism (which is between females) and gayism (which is between males). Such things are dirty and an abomination that should be hated. If you are doing this, call upon the Name of the LORD Jesus for deliverance, and He will surely save you.
  4. Pornography: God made sex to be an honorable act. It should be a private thing between a husband and his female wife. It is thus sinful to derive sexual pleasure from seeing the unclothedness of others. It is also sinful to video your sexual encounters and share them with others. Repent this year hence you will regret it!
  5. Masturbation: You must not play with your sexual organs for sexual pleasure. You are going against God; and masturbation will only damage your body, soul, and spirit.
  6. Other Immoral Sexual Acts like smooching someone not your married spouse, sextings and the rest of them

Repent from immoral sexual activities and don’t go with them into this new year. Live your life honoring God in holiness and purity. You are meant to have an eternal communion with God your Creator through Jesus Christ, as this is what will empower you to have dominion over creation. This is your destiny. Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and walk with Him in spirit and in truth.

About unclemtech

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